Thursday, June 5, 2008

Aaron Sorkin is a God

I moved into my new apartment last weekend and am almost completely done with all the unpacking. In celebration I decided to relax with a glass of wine and watch my Netflix video (because I still have not gotten a solid answer about who my cable company is or even been able to speak with any of the companies to set something up-- grrrrrr.)

So I put in Charlie Wilson's War. Ok, I'm a historical fiction junkie and this was the most wonderful movie for me. It had all the things I love--witty banter, smart, historical relevance, and humorous situations. I might just keep this one for a while and watch it a few more times. Of course, as I'm seeing the credits, Aaron Sorkin is responsible for this masterpiece. Will someone please give the man a production company and just let him run wild?

Everything he touches turns to gold and provides the kind of entertainment that never gets old. I could watch it over and over again and still be amazed by the craft and skill with which he tells a story. I'd like to create the Homer awards, in honor of the great master story-teller and honor Mr. Sorkin with a lifetime achievement award.

Also, Woohoo for our new Democratic Nominee! It seems like he's got history all wrapped up around him with this being the 40th year since RFK was shot. The man is a movement.

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