Thursday, May 15, 2008

The New Paradigm for Financial Markets

The genius and modern philanthropist George Soros has published a new book about the 2008 US recession. Obviously this man is a genius when he can publish a book (which takes time to write, edit, process, etc.) in the middle of the event he's published about. He's also an amazing humanist showing the spirit of giving and doing more than attaining wealth through the great works of the Soros Foundation.

So his new book is all about balancing government oversight with the free market, because too much control from either will create problems and shrink the market. I'd also like to take this opportunity to say "told you so" to my college macroeconomics professor who relished in dismissing anything I ever said about totally free markets being the light and the way. Booya.

My socialist tendencies are coming through. It's also exciting to see the general perception of the American public turning towards increased government oversight. Even Congress rallied in passing a bill letting the 70,000 barrels of oil set aside for the strategic oil reserve out into the market, rather than stockpiling for some worse day. At $3.75 a gallon, I'm wondering how much worse are we actually preparing for Mr. Bush? Eeeks--when power is in the hands of corporate robber barons. Any history folk feel like this smacks strongly of the 1860s, 1880s, and 1900s anti-monopoly and anti-trust eras? Hmm. I wonder why.

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