Sunday, May 20, 2007


Oh how I love a craft fair. Especially a craft fair with a wide variety of artists and media. I have now been introduced to some great Raleigh art. It was so much fun too with all of the kids' events they had going on as well. I couldn't help from buying a really pretty mirror and a few glass beads. Although I did hold back from the $200 metal wall sculptures, which was tough.

There really is something about craft/art fairs, though. It's something that makes you think of what some great artists have to go through to be noticed and then some people who just think so much of themselves that they apparently don't really have to sell anything (or be nice for that matter). But in general there are so many great pieces that I admire or would love to put on my walls/table/anywhere but unfortunately cannot afford it all. It's like walking through a museum sometimes where everything is marked "Buy Me." If you were walking through MOMA for instance and you saw "Buy Me" stickers on everything there, some things you would want to carry out with you that minute, but some you would say, "well it's really interesting and I do appreciate it, but it's just not my style." That's how I feel at an arts fair. Unfortunately, though, there are still far more things that I want to carry home with me that minute.

1 comment:

care said...

Matt and I ended up going at like 5pm on Saturday, and it was really neato! Did you see the lady who did the quilt-painting things with all those little pieces of fabric???

I want to find out more about it and maybe see if I could have a booth next year...perhaps that's a bit ambitious, buuuuuut...never hurts to shoot high!